Contact Me

Contact Brent Driving School

Most likely, I'm out driving with one of my other students right now. I do however, check my emails and message throughout the day.

Sending me a contact request here on this page is your best bet.

Just leave your details and a brief message and I'll get back to you as quickly as I can.

Alternatively, you can try contacting me on my mobile, but I can't always answer, as I'm either training, driving, or at the Bunbury Dept of Transport (helping another student to get their licence!)

My Mobile: 0412 852 552 (Not always available to take calls)

Contact Form

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Please Note:

Your business is very important to me and, as you'll soon appreciate, my students get 100% of my priority and attention.
When you and I are doing lessons, or I am preparing you for your driving test, I will give you my full undivided attention and focus.
To be able to do this, I cannot possibly be taking calls, messages or emails while I'm teaching you to drive.
Hopefully, you'll understand why I am not able to get back to your enquiry immediately, or, in most cases, answer your call, text or email. I do however promise to return your calls and messages when you leave them.

To keep my prices low for you, I do not employ additional staff or answering services and prefer to speak with you myself to maintain high quality student to instructor communication.

I thank you for your patience and look forward to working with you shortly and helping you to become a safe and happy driver :-)